
Social Media Consultation


Generating perfect content is our business and we use Social Media to help your business stay alive.

Timeframe for Consultation

Our SM experts place the right posts, at the right times.

While Social Media Marketing is often considered an in-house chore or the role of a millennial intern, the biggest companies know just how serious it can be. Generating the perfect content for your audience can be challenging, requiring detailed research and planning. It must be creative: no one reads the same content twice. Finally, it must be perfectly coordinated with the habits of your targeted demographic.

Content Marketing 2.0

In addition to viral content and sophisticated metrics, we can provide the best in terms of real, high-value content in any field as measured by the social signals that matter. Business strategists, market researchers, software technicians, analysts, graphics designers, and developers work together to generate assets that are of a higher quality employees working on the low-end freelancing markets.

What you get:

  • Three hours of consultation. One initial hour to assess your business, your demographics, and your brand strategy; two hours to relay our report after the research period has ended.
  • A list of all of the relevant trends in your industry and beyond. Meeting the customers where they are is the only way to make your message be seen, heard, and shared.
  • Complete CBA with projected ROI for investment into each platform. We will find your clients, estimate the costs of marketing to them, and then use industry standards of conversion to determine the buy-back period.
  • Analysis of preexisting social media strategy, if available and with appropriate permissions. Engagement rates for content-types provide direction for future content marketing.
  • You are guaranteed to be satisfied with your report and consultation. Anything less and you should cash in 100% money back.
Social Media Marketing uses content and customer service to make businesses personal. We use Social Media to keep your business’ pulse.